
Homer Thomas “Buck” Horton

Homer Thomas “Buck” Horton

Homer Thomas “Buck” Horton was a Vidalia Klansman and purported member of the Silver Dollar Group. He was a suspect in the disappearance of Joseph Edwards in 1964 and the fatal car bombing of Wharlest Jackson in 1967.

While Horton admitted to the FBI that he had been a member of the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, he said he was never in the SDG. Horton said he was “sworn out” of the Original Knights during a ceremony beneath the Mississippi River Bridge in Vidalia in the mid-1960s.

Horton was among a group of SDG members who attended a fish fry in Concordia Parish in 1965 during which Klansmen experimented with explosives. Two months later, Natchez NAACP President George Metcalfe was seriously injured by a car bomb. The FBI believed the experimentation with explosives at that fish fry was part of the SDG plan to kill Metcalfe.

Horton was sometimes hostile to FBI agents when interviewed. When asked why Red Glover, head of the SDG, and E.D. Morace, an SDG member, visited Horton’s home, Horton refused to answer. He said if the FBI wanted him to talk about that visit, they should issue a subpoena for him to appear before a federal grand jury. Then he would reveal what was discussed.

Horton was resentful when the FBI asked him about criminal activities of his Klan friends, including Glover. Horton acknowledged that he and his wife were good friends with Glover and his wife and that the two married couples often visited one another’s homes.

Additionally, Horton said during a period when he was ill and hospitalized that his Klan friends helped him, and because of that he would not “rat on them.”

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